I was caught in 4k... 📸 Screenshot Download

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I was caught in 4k... 📸 Images
DanTDM 4,565,064     240,159

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I was caught in 4k... 📸 Images

I was caught in 4k... HD quality image
I was caught in 4k... HQ quality image
I was caught in 4k... MD quality image
I was caught in 4k... MQ quality image
I was caught in 4k... thumbnail 1
I was caught in 4k... thumbnail 2
I was caught in 4k... thumbnail 3
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sub pls : bit.ly/TxtGm8
Twitch : twitch.tv/dantdm
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DanTDM Reddit : reddit.com/r/DanTDM/

Best Parts :
00:00 - it's reddit time
01:29 - dantdm nostalgia
04:22 - this was sus
05:31 - this is cringe..
06:58 - dantdm caught in 4k
08:35 - what happened to dr trayaurus?
09:38 - who is brian?
12:19 - i almost cry..

Edited by: twitter.com/NoGoodDavis

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