A new journey | video diary #3 Screenshot Download

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A new journey | video diary #3 Images
xbellaleee 197     21

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A new journey | video diary #3 Images

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My last video for 2018!

I've decided to not vlog as much and just do video diaries instead because I can include so many events into a small amount of time and not be focused on vlogging (yay for being present in the moment!). I call this a new journey because I started college (new environment, new school, new friends, new home) and my channel has been growing–which has caused lots of mixed feelings in me. The beginning of the quarter was eventful but it eventually turned into lots of studying and me taking videos of some of the places I saw daily on my way to class.

Happy New Year! And thank you to the 1000 who have subscribed! :-)

Cooks - Still Woozy

IG/Twitter: @xbellaleee

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