Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes - You Suck at Cooking (episode 117) Screenshot Download

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poatoes bild ysac picture cheese scalloped potatoes picture tutorial image cheesy potatoes image you suck at cooking bild recipe screenshot Potatoes au gratin thumbnail Dauphinoise patatos image

Scalloped potatoes, sometimes known as potatoes dauphinoise, often known as potatoes au gratin when cheese is added, usually do not contain scallops and nobody knows why.



Select three medium russet potatoes, or cusset potatoes if you’re immature
Slice them 1/8th inch thick and throw any that don’t measure up against a window
Par boil them for 3 minutes
Par strain them for 20 seconds

3 tablespoons Butter: melt it in a sauce pan, which is a good pan for sauce
2 chopped garlic cloves: give them a nice hot butter bath
5 tablespoons all purpose wheat dust (flour) slowly whisk it in until it’s smooth and cook it for a couple to a few minutes
2 cups/500 ml milk: slowly whisk it in until it seems like you never had a golden smooth garlic mixture there previously

1 veggie bullion cube: crumble and wangjangle
½ teaspoon salt
2 - 3 teaspoons mustard dust
Some pepper pepper pepper
Continue wangjangling until the sauce thickens, which will happen rather suddenly so keep your wits about you
Then add in a handful of cheddar if you want and take it off the heat

Put the potatoes and every molecule of sauce in a big bowl and fold them over until covered

Spray chemicals into a 9 X 9 baking dish and dump in the stuff

Put a layer of gruyere cheese on top if you want

Add a tin roof

350 for 45 minutes

Remove the tin roof

15 minutes or until browned on top

Let it set for 10 to 20 minutes

Serve on a plate and get scared by a potato lantern and also oddly stimulated when it starts dancing

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