The Great Places Erased by Suburbia (the Third Place) Screenshot Download

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The Great Places Erased by Suburbia (the Third Place) Images

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The pub. The café. The town square. They’re not home. They’re not work. They’re something else. But these places are becoming more and more scarce. And in car-dependent suburbia, they've been erased almost completely … and that's a problem.

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Script by Nicole Conlan and Jason Slaughter

References & Further Reading

Do Yourself a Favor and Go Find a ‘Third Place’

“Third places” as community builders

Public Places and Commercial Spaces: How Neighbourhood Amenities Foster Trust and Connection in American Communities
American Community Life Survey

McDonald's: you can sneer, but it's the glue that holds communities together

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Do people really meet up at barbershops and just hang out, like on tv? If so, why is it in specifically barbershops that people hang out like that?

Some taking advantage of cooling centers amid scorching heat

East Baltimore Community Engagement

This video contains content licensed from Getty Images


0:00 Introduction
0:31 What is a "Third Place"?
0:53 Our "local" in the UK
2:05 Why smaller apartments are OK
2:39 Cheers
3:16 Other benefits of the Third Places
5:01 How suburbia destroyed the Third Place
6:41 Stealing "keep off" signs
7:03 Faking the Third Places
7:37 Let's go to the mall!
8:30 The sterilized Third Place
8:56 The barber shop
9:16 What's left of the Third Place in America
9:53 Conclusion
11:02 Patreon Shout-out

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