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IELTS listening practice | English listening test Images

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Crown Academy of English screenshot english listening image Inglés escucha resmi cours d'anglais picture listening practice image ESL bild english lessons image listening test bild IELTS listening practice bild listening picture

This is an IELTS listening practice video to help you practise for the IELTS test with this exercise with subtitles based on a British news report about a surprise event in London last week.

The listening Test is the first part of the IELTS exam and this video will help you prepare and practise for it.

IELTS online course:

0:19 Lesson plan

2:30 Learn the English Vocabulary needed for the lesson - gig, truck, audience.

6:53 Listening questions:

1. How old is the singer?
2. What did the singer say to the audience?
3. Why was Harel disappointed?
4. Complete the sentence:
In an interview with the BBC, Paul said "It was very exciting. ____ _____ _____ _____ ______ ."
5. When did the singer surprise his fans in New York?
6. Who had the idea for these surprises?

9:00 Listen to the English news report.

11:40 Answers to the questions

13:45 Listen to the report with the transcript

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Crown Academy of English

Photo credits:

All photographs and images are royalty-free and are courtesy of

The individual credits for each image are as follows

"Woman Listening " by Michal Marcol

"Guitarist Performing For His Fans" by photostock
"Truck" by xedos4
"Team Leader " by renjith krishnan
"Theater Seats" by Apple's Eyes Studio
"Woman Hearing Something" by Ohmega1982

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