What's in the box? Abandoned pet at Wildlife Aid! Screenshot Download

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What's in the box? Abandoned pet at Wildlife Aid! Images
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What's in the box? Abandoned pet at Wildlife Aid! Images

What's in the box? Abandoned pet at Wildlife Aid! HD quality image
What's in the box? Abandoned pet at Wildlife Aid! HQ quality image
What's in the box? Abandoned pet at Wildlife Aid! MD quality image
What's in the box? Abandoned pet at Wildlife Aid! MQ quality image
What's in the box? Abandoned pet at Wildlife Aid! thumbnail 1
What's in the box? Abandoned pet at Wildlife Aid! thumbnail 2
What's in the box? Abandoned pet at Wildlife Aid! thumbnail 3
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Wildlife Aid does not deal with domestic species, but this poor animal has been abandoned on our door step! Simon's girlfriend was taking the rubbish out when she saw a small box, all wrapped up in tape. When she tried to lift it up, the box started to move on its own... Simon brought the box to the hospital and the animal they discovered was not a species they were expecting... In the box, there was a beautiful gray lop eared rabbit!

The female pet bunny was absolutely fine and happy to bounce around the treatment room! She was re-homed with one of our loving volunteers.

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