I sent robot forgeries to a handwriting expert Screenshot Download

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I sent robot forgeries to a handwriting expert Images

I sent robot forgeries to a handwriting expert HD quality image
I sent robot forgeries to a handwriting expert HQ quality image
I sent robot forgeries to a handwriting expert MD quality image
I sent robot forgeries to a handwriting expert MQ quality image
I sent robot forgeries to a handwriting expert thumbnail 1
I sent robot forgeries to a handwriting expert thumbnail 2
I sent robot forgeries to a handwriting expert thumbnail 3
I sent robot forgeries to a handwriting expert image

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Special thanks to Ron Morris for taking the time to analyze a bunch of writing samples that I sent him. I got in touch with him after getting his textbook to learn more about the subject: amazon.com/dp/0124096026

This robot uses a tormach ZA6 to tend the writing robot: tormach.com/machines/robots.html
Heres the 3D printers we designed in onshape: hubs.ly/Q01RNGdr0

Machine learning Resources:
Generating Sequences with Recurrent Neural Networks: arxiv.org/abs/1308.0850
Code for Handwriting Synthesis with RNNs: github.com/sjvasquez/handwriting-synthesis
If you want to learn more about machine learning, this is a good overview that gets into the math behind them: youtube.com/watch?v=aircAruvnKk&list=PLZHQObOWTQDNU6R1_67000Dx_ZCJB-3pi

Other stuff:
LSTM cell image By Guillaume Chevalier - File:The_LSTM_Cell.svg, CC BY-SA 4.0, commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=109362147

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