What could go wrong? Riding mountain bikes with an RC car Screenshot Download

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What could go wrong? Riding mountain bikes with an RC car Images
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What could go wrong? Riding mountain bikes with an RC car Images

What could go wrong? Riding mountain bikes with an RC car HD quality image
What could go wrong? Riding mountain bikes with an RC car HQ quality image
What could go wrong? Riding mountain bikes with an RC car MD quality image
What could go wrong? Riding mountain bikes with an RC car MQ quality image
What could go wrong? Riding mountain bikes with an RC car thumbnail 1
What could go wrong? Riding mountain bikes with an RC car thumbnail 2
What could go wrong? Riding mountain bikes with an RC car thumbnail 3
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Yes, I know nobody asked for these RC videos. I think I got it all out of my system for the time being. Today, we attempt to jump a mountain bike and RC car over a tabletop at the same time. It turns out that this isn't nearly as easy as sending the car or bike alone, as they actually travel at different speeds to clear the same jump. After some technical problems and a steep learning curve, we finally figure out that a bigger battery makes it much easier to time.

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Here's the car Traxxas sent us
If you're interested in the Maxx, just go to your local hobby shop and they will probably have it. You'll also need a charger, battery, and probably some tools. This thing is an absolute beast! It might need a little polishing after landing upside down about 300 times.

Thanks to James from Squatch Bikes for driving instagram.com/squatchbikes/ , Elliot for riding instagram.com/smelliot12/ , and Heather for shooting pictures instagram.com/heather_shredder/

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