Captain Marvel (2019) Comic Book Easter Eggs & Timeline Explained! Screenshot Download

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Captain Marvel (2019) Comic Book Easter Eggs & Timeline Explained! Images
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Captain Marvel (2019) Comic Book Easter Eggs & Timeline Explained! Images

Captain Marvel (2019) Comic Book Easter Eggs & Timeline Explained! HD quality image
Captain Marvel (2019) Comic Book Easter Eggs & Timeline Explained! HQ quality image
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Captain Marvel (2019) Comic Book Easter Eggs & Timeline Explained! MQ quality image
Captain Marvel (2019) Comic Book Easter Eggs & Timeline Explained! thumbnail 1
Captain Marvel (2019) Comic Book Easter Eggs & Timeline Explained! thumbnail 2
Captain Marvel (2019) Comic Book Easter Eggs & Timeline Explained! thumbnail 3
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For even more details and hidden Easter Eggs for the ways Captain Marvel sets up Avengers Endgame, Spider-Man Far From Home, and Marvel Phase 4, watch our Infinity Saga rewatch and breakdown from June 2020:

Captain Marvel (2019) gets a scene by scene breakdown & analysis! All the Avengers Easter Eggs you missed! Go to to take back your Internet privacy TODAY and find out how you can get 3 months free. Less than $7 a month, with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Captain Marvel is packed with missable details that connect the film to the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Captain America movies. What Marvel Easter Eggs did you miss in Captain Marvel? Erik Voss breaks down Captain Marvel scene by scene for all the visual clues that tie Carol Danvers, Nick Fury, and the Kree to the events of Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame. What secret cameos did the directors hide in the movie? How did Captain Marvel change the Marvel timeline and the history of the Tesseract? How did the movie revolutionize our understanding of the war between the Kree and the Skrull... and what Marvel hero could be a Skrull in disguise?

Come see Erik's live nerdy comedy show, DARKEST TIMELINE, every first Friday of the month in North Hollywood:



SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PATREON SUPPORTERS (, including these beautiful people:
Kelly Hopper
Kenny Smith
Wilhemina Ebbesen
Matthew Salvas
Pony Stark
Matthew Ahrens
Dory Zein

Executive Creative Director: Filup Molina
Post Production Supervisor: Devin Cleary

Editors: Joshua Hurd, Devin Cleary, Aaron Carrión
Music: "Sci Fi" from

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