Loaded Baked Potato - You Suck at Cooking (episode 77) Screenshot Download

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Baking-bake a potato on 4 Hundo for 45-50 minutes, or
Micro Bake a potato for 10 minutes, or
Slow Bake a potato for 6 years.
Don't forget to poke those fork holes.
Cut the top open and dig out the nothingness.
Mix the nothing with a whole lot of something:
Butter, cream cheese, cheddar, sour cream, chives, bacon.
Boullion made strong, cumin, cream cheese, cheddar, broccoli
Wangjangle all the stuff together
Then restuff the potatoes
Put some more cheese and chives or bacon on top
Back in the Undo for a few minutes.
More sour cream and chives on top.

If all this sounds like a bit too much, just sprinkle some salt on a raw potato and order a pizza.

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