The Lamb and the Wolf - Kindred voices Screenshot Download

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The Lamb and the Wolf - Kindred voices Images

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The Lamb and the Wolf - Kindred voices HQ quality image
The Lamb and the Wolf - Kindred voices MD quality image
The Lamb and the Wolf - Kindred voices MQ quality image
The Lamb and the Wolf - Kindred voices thumbnail 1
The Lamb and the Wolf - Kindred voices thumbnail 2
The Lamb and the Wolf - Kindred voices thumbnail 3
wolf screenshot quotes bild lamb thumbnail league of legens thumbnail voices screenshot kindered thumbnail the lamb and the wolf screenshot music bild

Any of you feel like having an existential crisis today?
Sweet, me too. Take a seat.

So this is the start of an entirely new series I'm making, you'll find the rest of the videos in my playlist below :)

Character: Kindred
Game: League of Legends
Music: Max Richter - On the Nature of Daylight

So I was bored, got heavily inspired by a kindred video I just happened to stumble upon today, and then this thing happend.

Inspiration video:
I made this video from scratch myself, cut the voices apart and edited them into the order I wanted them in and all of that, so while I know this is a lot alike the video I got inspiration from it's actually only heavily inspired, not copied. I just used the same voices and the same music (which that video doesn't own either), so the only thing I kinda "stole" directly was the idea.
I was bored and I'm not getting anything from this, just let me have some fun plz

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