Tally Ho's rig - blocks and sheaves! Screenshot Download

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Tally Ho's rig - blocks and sheaves! Images

Tally Ho's rig - blocks and sheaves! HD quality image
Tally Ho's rig - blocks and sheaves! HQ quality image
Tally Ho's rig - blocks and sheaves! MD quality image
Tally Ho's rig - blocks and sheaves! MQ quality image
Tally Ho's rig - blocks and sheaves! thumbnail 1
Tally Ho's rig - blocks and sheaves! thumbnail 2
Tally Ho's rig - blocks and sheaves! thumbnail 3
Tally Ho's rig - blocks and sheaves! image

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In this episode we follow Bob as he builds some beautiful wooden strop-blocks for Tally Ho’s rig, and explains their purpose.

(rebuilding Tally Ho ep154)


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