Frank Ocean - Golden Girl (Feat. Tyler, The Creator) Screenshot Download

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Frank Ocean - Golden Girl (Feat. Tyler, The Creator) Images

Frank Ocean - Golden Girl (Feat. Tyler, The Creator) HD quality image
Frank Ocean - Golden Girl (Feat. Tyler, The Creator) HQ quality image
Frank Ocean - Golden Girl (Feat. Tyler, The Creator) MD quality image
Frank Ocean - Golden Girl (Feat. Tyler, The Creator) MQ quality image
Frank Ocean - Golden Girl (Feat. Tyler, The Creator) thumbnail 1
Frank Ocean - Golden Girl (Feat. Tyler, The Creator) thumbnail 2
Frank Ocean - Golden Girl (Feat. Tyler, The Creator) thumbnail 3
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Bonus Track of Channel Orange: Golden Girl feat. Tyler, The Creator

Frank Ocean went with one of the oldest tricks in the music industry by including a hidden bonus track at the end of the physical copy of “Channel ORANGE”. With select retailers like Amazon already shipping and selling CD copies of the album, fans are getting their hands on the album and finding a nice surprise when they get to the final track of the album.
Frank sings about his chosen girl before Tyler, The Creator comes in to finish the song with a verse with distorted vocals

"Frank Ocean (Musical Artist)" "Tyler, The Creator (Musical Artist)" "Golden Girl" "Frank Ocean - Golden Girl (Feat. Tyler, The Creator)"

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