What stretching actually does to your body ft. Sofie Dossi Screenshot Download

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What stretching actually does to your body ft. Sofie Dossi Images

What stretching actually does to your body ft. Sofie Dossi HD quality image
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Sofie’s video: youtube.com/watch?v=790uPstACBE
Sofie’s channel: youtube.com/channel/UCF0_hwTeQ73IhJuEtsUbEtA
You can learn more about CuriosityStream at curiositystream.com/physicsgirl

Ever wondered, what does stretching do to your muscles and your body? What in the best way to stretch? Science has some answers.

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Michael K. Rowley, Biomechanist: facebook.com/kmichaelrowley

Beighton Score Test: ehlers-danlos.com/assessing-joint-hypermobility/
Check out USC's other Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy research: pt.usc.edu

Creator: Dianna Cowern
Editing: Jabril Ashe
Research: Sophia Chen

Thanks to:
Sofie Dossi, Zak Dossi, and K. Michael Rowley!


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