Sony pulls Spider-Man out of the MCU!?!?! - Angry Rant! Screenshot Download

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Sony pulls Spider-Man out of the MCU!?!?! - Angry Rant! Images
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Sony pulls Spider-Man out of the MCU!?!?! - Angry Rant! Images

Sony pulls Spider-Man out of the MCU!?!?! - Angry Rant! HD quality image
Sony pulls Spider-Man out of the MCU!?!?! - Angry Rant! HQ quality image
Sony pulls Spider-Man out of the MCU!?!?! - Angry Rant! MD quality image
Sony pulls Spider-Man out of the MCU!?!?! - Angry Rant! MQ quality image
Sony pulls Spider-Man out of the MCU!?!?! - Angry Rant! thumbnail 1
Sony pulls Spider-Man out of the MCU!?!?! - Angry Rant! thumbnail 2
Sony pulls Spider-Man out of the MCU!?!?! - Angry Rant! thumbnail 3
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According to Deadline Marvel will not coooperate further in Spider-Man films with Sony in the Marvel Cinematic Universe if a Deal cannot be reached! Could we lose Spider-Man in the MCU?! Our Angry Rant!
*Update* Sony's Rothman refuses to give up half of Sony's Biggest Franchise to Marvel in order to have Kevin Feige and the MCU involved in future movies!

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