Chapter 1: On Joining the Calvary Screenshot Download

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Chapter 1: On Joining the Calvary Images
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Chapter 1: On Joining the Calvary Images

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Chapter 1: On Joining the Calvary HQ quality image
Chapter 1: On Joining the Calvary MD quality image
Chapter 1: On Joining the Calvary MQ quality image
Chapter 1: On Joining the Calvary thumbnail 1
Chapter 1: On Joining the Calvary thumbnail 2
Chapter 1: On Joining the Calvary thumbnail 3
Radio operator imagen Kansas Gwen thumbnail McArtor bild World War Two thumbnail USA bild WWII Fort Riley bild Gwengetsglobal bild World War imagen

Robert C. McArtor discusses joining World War II at just 17. He entered the First Cavalry Division as a radio operator and trained at Ft. Riley, Kansas.

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